Wednesday, August 13, 2008


this summer i was privaledged to return to Utah and work with Salt Lake Shakespeare and it's production of 12th NIGHT...or what u will..

many of my closest friends and favorite collaborators from around the country decided to join me on this crazy adventure.

for years i've wanted to try my hand at Malvolio - i've always been intrigued and attracted to the character and how he's written with such interlaced comic + tragic complexities. i thoroughly enjoyed the challenge of playing him and was sad when it ended.

the entire trip and show was a fantastic reunion and a wonderful success - i'm very grateful to everyone who helped to make it a reality.

"I'll ne'er believe a madman till I see his


brighton quinn said...

the picture of chris trying to scare you... and succeeding... is rad. boo ya this play. loved it

Steve said...

nice mustache Hertford!